Amelie and Leafia on Amelie's 9th birthday, July 3, 2017.
A chicken cake smash party! It was a healing (and exceptionally cute!) experience for all of us.
On a rainy Los Angeles day in January last year, hundreds of our friends and family gathered on Facebook Live as our sweet little egg hatched and our darling baby Leafia was born. And on a rainy day in January, one year later, our sweet little Leafia gave up her fight to recover from her tragic dog attack injuries, when our neighbours' dog broke into our back yard and pillaged our sweet little hens who were out playing. We are all forever changed from this experience and the feelings of grief, anger, timidness, fear, helplessness, numbness, sadness will fade with time, but these memories will be a little harder to shake, and going forward with the logistics of what's to come is going to take some time.
Leafia & January snuggling together as babies. (Along with our fluffy kitty Rose.)
But, when the hearts of children are involved, we knew we needed to celebrate our baby girl on her birthday in the sweetest, funnest way possible. A chicken cake smash party with her bestie chicken friends! Meet January and Violet. January, our little brown Rhode Island Red hen was Leafia's BFF and these two were inseparable. And our sweet little Ameraucana girl Violet, dog attack survivor who also recently lost her BFFs, celebrates Leafia's birthday along with January and helps devour the chicken cake.
Chicken cake, I hear you ask?! The cake was made from a stack of Trader Joe's multigrain bread, drizzled with water to make it soft, coated in plain Greek yoghurt and topped with grass sprinkles. Yes, grass! And as you can see, the girls had a cake smashingly good time!!
There were giggles aplenty, happy hearts (and happy tummies!), and the sweetest little messy chicken faces.
We book baby cake smashes each week here at Alaura Imagery & Design, but this is the first time we've done an animal cake smash, and I have a feeling it won't be the last! And perhaps now a new bond will form between January and Violet, which will help to make all our hearts happier.
Happy birthday, Leafia! xxx Love, Amelie, Spencer, January & Violet, and lots more of your lovely friends.